Friday, March 18, 2011

M&M Reflection


1. Take a screenshot of your spreadsheet and add it as a picture to your blog posting.

2. What is a template? [If you use an definition from an online source, be sure to tell me from what website it came.]

3. What tools/functions in Excel did you use to create your project?
4.  What other skills did you use/learn in this project?
5.  What “extras” (colors, decorations, etc.) did you add to your project?
6.  What are some other uses you may have for a simple excel spreadsheet?

2. A template is a model or design already made that is used to help you. This is already in a format that helps you with the project or paper you are creating.

3. I used auto sum, auto percent, and the pie graph. 

4. I used auto sum to make my totals and auto average to find my average without having to do the work myself.  I learn how to make charts/ graphs in this project also.

5. I added a couple pictures and some colors to my data and pie graph just to add a little something.

6. People may use excel charts to get track of biology data, accounting stuff, to balance your checkbook and several other things.

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