Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Music Genome Blog Reflection

1. Upload your movie to your blog. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format. You can also upload it to YouTube and embed it into your posting to save time.]

2. A) Identify your chosen musical genre & B) say why you chose it.

I did the genre country music, because mostly of what I listen to is country music so i wanted to learn more about it. 

3. Describe your did you go about finding your songs and information?

First I did all my songs in garageband to make sure I didn't have any problems with that. The songs I chose were some of my favorites and I also though the artists were well known ,but maybe not that songs so that way the students got a chance to hear new songs. 

4. What different kinds of technology did you use to compile your project? [Web tools, Mac tools, etc...]

I used easy bib to make my citations,  Imovie to construct my project, garageband to make my music, and also word to keep all my information in.

5. What are you good at...what went well for you in this project?

I thought Imovie worked well for me, because I didn't have alot of problems in there.

6. With what did you struggle on this project...what was difficult for you?

I struggled alot with garageband because I had a hard time cutting all the music, so it was all messed up and also this part took me the longest.

7. Did you decide to use still slides? Why or why not?  [If not, how did you convey 

your information?

Yes I did, because I could not find alot of videos and also I thought it looked good in my project because it was just not all videos and stuff and I thought it was a good mix of the too.

8. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted?  

We could use this type of project if you are in a business, or use it for a project for another class, or maybe even use it as a way of getting a job. 

9. What new techniques or technology tools did you use in this project that you've never used before?  Be specific.

I really have never used garageband before, so that was a big challenge for me.

10. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?[...not just that you cited the information, etc., but how did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?

Well I transformed my music by cutting it and adding other songs to it, the information I added value to it because I added it to my project, and also the images were given value to. 

11. Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not?

I would do another project like this on my open, but it will not be so in depth. 

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